Oak Lawn Parks Foundation
The Oak Lawn Parks Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable foundation that supports leisure programs and the environment. Its mission is to provide for the continued enhancement of leisure programs, recreational services, park lands, historic properties, and provide input for the development of sound environmental policies and practices for the Oak Lawn community. The foundation was created to act as a community-wide advocate for open space leisure and environmental preservation.
Through the Oak Lawn Parks Foundation, residents and local businesses have the opportunity to help support a variety of programs. The Foundations’ goal is to raise additional funds to promote healthy recreational activities for all individuals of the Oak Lawn community. The Foundation has donated over $100,000 to many park district programs and facilities. The Foundation has provided funds for the Stony Creek Golf Complex, Special Recreation programs, and the development of the Eagle Eye Neighborhood Watch Program. In 1995, the Oak Lawn Park District developed the Eagle Eye Neighborhood Watch Program which promotes community responsibility for the activities that take place in the neighborhood parks. In 1997, the Oak Lawn Parks Foundation took the program over from the park district. In recent years, the foundation has worked cooperatively with the Illinois Association of Park Districts to bring the program nationwide status. This program grows every year, and as of 2007 it is in 39 communities in 13 states. The Foundation also established the Memorial Tree and the Tree to a Tee programs. Funds raised by these programs help to beautify various parks and the golf course with the planting of trees to commemorate a person or occasion.
The continued donations of the Oak Lawn Parks Foundation have assisted the Oak Lawn Park District in fulfilling our mission, which is to promote a strong sense of community by providing cultural and recreational opportunities in a fun and safe environment. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for all ages, abilities, and ethnic backgrounds by offering a variety of leisure services that will promote physical and mental wellness. We are devoted to preserving open space as well as establishing and maintaining beautiful parks and facilities.